Denver February 2015


On Thursday 19 February, Susan and I flew from Iceland to Denver, where we stayed with our friend Sandra.

On Friday, Sandra, Susan and I rode around Denver on bikes. The weather was beautiful.

On Saturday, Susan and I caught to bus to Boulder to visit Susan's nephew Kyle. We had a nice lunch and walk around campus. But the return to Denver was . . . ugly! The weather went south, it snowed, and the bus got stuck. What was supposed to be a 45 minute ride turned into a 3h45m ordeal. I was beginning to think we would spend the night on that bus. But we didn't. A thrilling cab ride got us safely to Sandra's

Sunday was spent driving to a museum and eating lunch downtown. Our visit with Sandra ended with an elegant sushi dinner.

Early Monday, we caught the train to Berkeley, arriving Tuesday evening.

Vance Snapshots
Susan Snapshots

For the masochistic: Snapshots